No Remorse Read online





  Las Vegas, Nevada

  Printed in the United States of America

  All characters in this book are fictitious, and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  No Remorse, © 2012 by MaryLynn Bast. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher and author, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed in a newspaper, magazine or journal.

  Cover done by graphic designer: Stephanie A. Fox

  First Printing

  Paperback ISBN: 978-1470042226

  eBook ISBN: 978-0-9834494-3-0


  Thank you to my husband Patrick Bast for being there with and for me during the process of writing No Remorse. Your encouragement helped me continue following my dream of becoming a published author.

  Linda Smith Lydia, Mary Sawicki Freeman and many other Facebook friends, thank you for your continued encouragement for me to continue writing and to finish this story.

  Peggy Kuykendall, thank you for sitting for hours chatting with me while I worked through different scenes and for reading the story over and over again.

  Most of all, thank you Sharon Stonger for her excellent beta reading skills and Elizabeth Kolodziej for working with me through the process of publishing and encouraging me to continue writing.


  The wind howled as she ran through the heavily wooded forest. Or was the howling the beast that haunted her? Amber knew she should keep running, but stopped in her tracks. She was tired of always running from the darkness that followed her everywhere. She gave in to the hot searing pain, falling to the ground, quickly shedding the clothes that bound her to the human world. Throwing her head back, screaming when her flesh crawled and her bones began the painful cracking and popping. Rain poured through the trees while Amber clawed at the wet soggy ground, her head feeling like it would explode. The flashes of lightning, followed by the loud rolling thunder, swallowed her howls of pain. On all fours, Amber panted, the transformation was complete. She was alone in her own world of nightmares.

  Bright yellow eyes rimmed with black peered out from the dense trees, the silhouette of the large wolf illuminated in the storm as the lightning lit up the night sky. Amber’s sensitive ears heard the drops of rain falling through the trees and bushes, landing on the bed of leaves and wet earth around her. At the sound of rustling leaves, the wolf whipped her head in its direction. Something scampered from tree to tree, before stopping dead in its tracks, feeling the presence of danger. The rat’s beady eyes stared into the menacing yellow glow, its body stood motionless. The only thing moving was the twitching of its whiskers as the rodent quickly sniffed the air.

  She was hungry, but not for the rat. Amber rose from her hunched position on the sodden leaves. Turning away, she could have sworn the rat gave a sigh of relief as it scampered away. Moving deeper into the woods, Amber knew exactly where she needed to go.


  She had spotted the lone camper a couple days ago when scouting the area. It had been almost too easy. Even in her human form, Amber could smell the camper through the dense woods. He did nothing to hide his scent. On purpose, she had made enough noise to alert the man to her presence. When he heard the commotion, he came to investigate.

  Being a young pretty woman, Amber knew most men would not feel threatened by a lone female. Her five foot six frame was slender, but toned and well defined. With werewolf genetics, she stayed in excellent shape. Long black haired flowed gently down the middle of her back in soft waves. Almond shaped chocolate brown eyes, fringed with long lashes, were alluring, and she had soft, full naturally pouting lips.

  The man had been mesmerized by her beauty and was quick to offer her a bottle of cold water, which she took with a sweet smile. Being talkative, Amber quickly learned that his name was Andrew Small. He was a small firm accountant working a couple of towns over. Snickering at an inside joke while winking at her, he boasted that money was no object. Andrew went on and on, bragging about how he would sneak away a couple times a year for extended vacations, like he was now because he was burned out and needed some alone time. He told Amber of how he had discovered the extremely secluded, wooded area on previous camping trips, and he planned on being there for a couple weeks.

  During the course of their mostly one sided conversation, Andrew informed her that this campsite was his own secret hide away. His family knew he was camping, but he never told them where so no one would show up out of the blue. It was the perfect secluded area with no cell phone or Internet coverage so he could get away from the family and a hectic job. Which was all the better for her--no one to hear his screams.


  Amber allowed her wolf’s senses to guide her through the darkness. The storm was slowly passing. Lightning was seen less and less, and the rain had nearly come to a stop. She glided through the forest, seen only by the other creatures of the night. The woods were silent when the wolf padded quietly to the edge of the tree line. Amber could see Andrew’s shadow through the thin material of the tent every time he passed by the lantern hanging inside. From where she sat, her sensitive nose smelled the small fire that burned beyond the tent, but most of all it was his scent that held her attention. Ears perked at his high pitched whistling, she watched him move around inside the tent.

  Heart pounding in her ears, Amber could almost taste his hot blood now. She had to be patient. Her wolf’s teeth and claws were sharp enough to tear through the tent, but she had learned that lesson when she had first turned.

  Attacking through the wall of the tent had given her first victim a chance to fight back. She remembered the searing pain of the knife stabbing into her side, slipping along her ribs. Luckily, that first camper hadn’t gotten a good hold on the knife when she had attacked. Amber knew she would have been dead if the blade had pierced her heart.

  Her mother had explained that the change would be uncontrollable in the beginning, but she never expected anything like what actually happened. She still had a lot to learn about being a werewolf. Once the realization of her first kill and the shock of being stabbed set in, Amber was not able to hold her were form long enough and changed back. As a werewolf, Amber would have healed quickly, but as a human, she did not. Luckily, the knife didn’t go very deep, so there was no real damage, but being stabbed had been very painful and the thin scar served as a reminder for her to plan ahead and she had learned that lesson well. At the time she had bound herself the best she could and, to her horror, disposed of the half mutilated body. She was stronger than a human was, but in her weakened, shocked state, she had considered burying the body. But there were too many variables that led to the possibility that his body would be found and they would know he had been attacked by a wolf, a werewolf. Thinking quickly, she set the tent ablaze with the body inside, burning the evidence of an attack.

  Amber was brought back to the present as the shadow moved, reaching for the tents flap. Drawing back on her haunches, she prepared herself for the attack. Her mouth filled with saliva, pooling and dripping down the side. Her sensitive ears heard his slightest movement. Andrew’s heartbeat was strong and steady. The zipper was loud when he pulled it slowly down, allowing the tent flap to fall open. Andrew stood with a beer bottle in his hand, nothing more.

  In the dark of the night, the storm seemed to be renewing in strength, while Amber’s large black wolf readied itself. At the bright flash of lightning she pounced, knocking Andrew back into the tent with he
r strength. She heard his frightened gasp, his eyes wide as he stared in terror at the yellow eyes glowing down at him. She drew in a deep breath, savoring the smell of his fear.

  Amber growled deep in her throat, baring her sharp teeth. Suddenly, she smelled something and in the part of her brain that retained human thoughts, she knew Andrew was urinating himself. The animal in her wanted to laugh, but her vocal cords were tight and it came out as a low growl instead. She could hear his heart pounding erratically in his chest, his blood singing loudly to her as it swished through his veins. She had to have it.

  Andrew was not a small man by any means and he fought hard, pushing and shoving with hands and feet, but his human strength was no match for Amber’s powerful jaws. He screamed loudly when her sharp canines sank effortlessly into the soft skin of his throat, his blood trickled into her mouth. He thrashed around trying to push her off. She was too strong, her grip tight. With a quick shake of her head the thin skin of his throat shredded, allowing the coppery sweet blood to flow free, to stream warmly into her mouth. Andrew’s garbled screams and now feeble attempts to fight ceased after only a few moments.

  With the bloodlust upon her wolf, Amber lost all control and savagely ripped off chunks of skin, meat and muscle. Her strong teeth crunched through his bones like they were toothpicks. The wolf lapped at the blood that his still beating heart pumped, squirting through his exposed veins. Until his heart stopped, and there was no more blood. The wolf had made her kill.

  The wolf’s bloody teeth showed in a wicked grin as it savored Andrew’s fleshy meat, he tasted like pork. She liked pork! With her belly full the wolf stretched, yawned, and lay down on the ground, head resting on her paws. With the bloodlust sated, the wolf relaxed, but her ears were ever alert for anyone or anything that might try to sneak up on her. The wolf released its control and allowed the change to consume her body once again.

  Turning back to her human form was painful, but not as much as the change into a werewolf. Once she was fully returned to her human body, Amber glanced around to ensure no one was around and hurried to the cold stream to wash the blood from her skin. Running through the woods to her stashed clothes, she dressed quickly and returned to the campsite.

  As a human, Amber was still mortified, but also amazed that she could savagely kill and eat another human being. She couldn’t change the fact that she had been born a werewolf, or that humans were werewolves natural prey. She had grown up with the horrible secret and the knowledge that if humans discovered what she was, they would track her down and kill her.

  Amber mentally gave herself a shake, wiping the thought from her mind that maybe they should. She was too willful to take the cowardly way out. Life might not be much fun, but it was still worth living. Hopefully things would eventually get better, but Amber knew she would always have to keep the wolf side of her hidden from the world.

  There could be no trace that Andrew had been in this area. Amber worked quickly, tearing down the tent, she started a fire and tossed things in that would burn. Items that would float were pitched into the river and swept quickly downstream. She carried the remaining items deep into the woods and found the rocks that she had come across during her runs. The cracks led to caverns that went deep underground. As they were dropped, Amber heard Andrew’s personal items bouncing off the rocks inside and then lay quietly where they would rest forever. Returning to the campsite, Amber stood with her hands on her hips and looked around, nodding her head in silent approval, she turned and walked away.


  Amber deliberated whether or not she should feel guilty for killing Andrew, remembering how he had talked about his family in one breath; then turned around and made a pass at her in the next. While his wife and family waited for him at home, he was out trying to get laid. When Amber had declined his offer, Andrew had grabbed her, threw her to the ground and jumped on top of her.

  In her human form, Amber was stronger than any human, man or woman. To keep up the pretense of being a helpless female, she had allowed him to manhandle her.

  That didn’t last long, she became irritated with him quickly and to end his barbaric behavior, Amber wedged her hands under his chest and pushed, lifting him easily from her. With the flick of her wrist, Andrew was flipped off landing with a thump onto his backside. Nimbly jumping to her feet, she aimed a side kick to his ribs, but not using full power. After all, she didn't want to break any ribs and hurt him…yet.

  Andrew was surprised she had tossed him off so easily, but saw the kick coming, twisting just enough so that her foot connected with the fleshy part of his back rather than his side. He moved quickly to counterattack. Rolling away, hastily coming to his feet.

  Amber stepped towards him, but he was quicker than she had anticipated. He spun, twisting away, reached out his hand and grabbed her shirt, pulling her towards him. Amber jerked back and heard the sound of her shirt ripping. He became excited when her front was bared for him to see.

  Andrew gave an evil laugh, holding up the scrap of material, waiving it around like a trophy, taunting her with it. “You want to play, huh?”

  People saw more when she wore a bikini, so she wasn’t bothered with him seeing her bra. Amber watched him carefully, crouching lightly, turning as he circled her. When Andrew charged, she stepped to the side. Grabbing his outstretched hand when he got close enough, she spun him away hard and fast. When he came to a stop a few feet away, he looked at her in surprise, not expecting her to move so quickly.

  “So you think you’re a tough one, do ya?”

  Amber could smell the hormones emanating from Andrew. Being rough appeared to excite him more. A slight sheen of sweat was forming across his forehead.

  Tired of playing, she had seen and heard enough from him. And he had ruined a perfectly good shirt. She watched him with narrowed eyes and waited, anticipating his next move.

  Andrew began circling her again, reversing a couple times before he finally lunged. Amber read his movements and met him halfway, stepping into him at just the right moment. Her front kick landed with a solid thud and a whoosh when the air quickly vacated his lungs.

  Gasping for breath, he was helpless on the ground when she bent over and snatched the scrap of material from his clenched fist. Straightening, she calmly walked out of the campsite. Once in the cover of the trees, she turned and watched with a sinister smile. Andrew writhed in pain on the ground. It really had to hurt like hell to have his balls slammed back up inside his body that way. This is only the beginning, Amber thought to herself as she retreated into the shadows of the forest.

  After that encounter, knowing the change would be upon her soon, Amber had spent the next couple of days in the woods watching Andrew. Making a mental note of his habits, she wanted to be sure he was what she was looking for and that they were genuinely alone.

  Andrew had been pretty predictable as she watched from her secluded hiding place among the trees. He woke up, relieved himself downstream, ate breakfast, fished, and hunted. His hunting skills sucked, which would work to her advantage. He didn’t know how to track and would not have seen that Amber had been hanging around even if he could. Being a skilled hunter, she knew how to stay hidden.

  Throughout the day, Andrew drank his beer while he puttered around the campsite. Towards the end of the day, he broke out the bottle of whiskey and did a couple shots, and drank a few more beers before going to sleep.

  From her concealed spot, Amber enjoyed seeing him move around camp and watching him bathe in the stream. His nakedness had nothing to do with it; it was the thrill of watching someone that was not aware they were being stalked.

  She found that she had become attracted to him. Not because he was a good-looking man, which he was. He was a scumbag who had taken advantage of other women, possibly even raping some. She was attracted to him because his heartbeat was strong and his blood called out to her.

  Andrew was in good shape. The little scrap they had at the campsite had allowed her to feel his mu
scular frame. The scuffle had also permitted her to work off some of the odd sensations of aggression she had been feeling the last couple of weeks.


  Tired of staring at the ceiling of her motel room, Amber flopped over onto her stomach with a frustrated sigh. The bed was hard and uncomfortable. Looking around the hotel room she noticed it wasn’t in shambles, but the space was definitely in need of repairs. The ceiling was stained from many roof leaks over the years. The wallpaper was pealing in some places. The furnishings could stand a little updating, as well. If she were to guess, the dresser and makeshift desk that held her laptop were more than likely the original furniture from when the place had been built in the seventies. Amber paced the room, continually looking out the window. The secluded motel was in the perfect location, and with her requesting her room at the back, she was closer to the woods if she needed to get into the trees quickly.

  The old television didn’t work and the internet services was hit and miss on connecting, so, with nothing else to do, Amber continued her train of thought, remembering how she laid on the wet ground, looking out into the forest cleaning his blood from her paws. Her stomach was full, but she hadn’t been satisfied. Andrew’s blood had taken care of the blood lust, but it just wasn't as satisfying as it should have been. The wolf raging inside her was still craving something; she just didn't know what that something was.

  In restless frustration, Amber sat on the side of the bed, wondering if she would ever be able to resist the change. Groaning when her body became hot, her head began pounding and her canines emerged. She didn’t want to change again, not if she had her choice, but the wolf was strong and pushed for control. Would she ever be at peace with the feelings of her wolf always clawing at her insides? The wolf was emerging again and there was no plan in place this time. Amber worriedly jumped from the bed and ran for the door. Slinging it open, she bolted from the security of her motel room and headed deep into the forest.